
Born 21/06/2018
Colour blue/white
ED FCI  L 0 R 0
SD FCI  L 0 R 0
CEA / PRA cataract free as pup 2018
CEA DNA normal tested
CL DNA normal tested
TNS DNA clear tested
MDR1 DNA normal tested
IGS DNA normal tested
MH DNA normal tested
DM DNA normal tested
RS DNA carrier tested
HUU DNA normal tested
SN DNA normal tested
GG DNA clear tested
Gonioscopy Glaucoma not Affected
DNA profiled 2018
Carrier of colour brown/white and possibly blue/white

Stephan en Sara
Peutie - België
0032(0)486/89 43 93

Van 't Rublisiehof...

wij fokken uw Border Collie met PASSIE!!!